22 thoughts on “DARE Essay

  1. D.A.R.E Essay

    Kids my age should NOT do drugs. Here are some reasons why a kid like me MAY do drugs.
    Maybe, they were pressured. Maybe someone threatened them to smoke and put them under peer pressure.
    Another reason could be they were depressed. Maybe they read online that smoking could help you with your depression.
    Or maybe the “cool kids” did it. I mean, what if they thought if they did drugs like the popular kids, they could become popular. If other kids are doing drugs, why can’t they?
    Those are some reasons why a kid like me would do drugs.

    YOU may get pressured to do drugs. There are MANY ways you can get out of it.
    One could be walking away. Example #1: Someone says “Hey, want to smoke?” you can just walk away and you won’t have to smoke.
    Another way you could avoid drugs is saying NO! example #2: Someone says “hey, want a beer?” You say “No thanks.”
    Lastly, another way you could get out of drugs is hanging out with people that DON’T do drugs. If you hang out with a group of people that don’t do drugs, you will DEFINITELY get out of drugs. Since, ya’ know…they, don’t do drugs?

    How can I, and YOU, make good decisions? We can think before we speak. If someone asks you if you want to go to a party next weekend, and you know that there’s going to be alcohol there, then think, “Is drinking alcohol REALLY necessary? No, No it’s not.


      1. Why a kid would start using drugs

        Here’s a question why do you think a kid your age would start using drugs?
        Maybe some friends offered it to you. They use drugs, and they like then so why not? Maybe there under peer pressure and they see someone using them so maybe they go ask them for one. They could be curious about the effects and the taste. Maybe a close friend a trusted friend said “they taste good and you should try them. Maybe someone heard of the effects and wanted to feel the same so they tried them. Maybe they looked like candy so they though they should have a piece. Some people could be depressed and wanted to feel good again. Some people have anger problems and need pills to calm them down and after a while they get addicted and can’t stop taking them and then they have drug problems. Some friends might take them and they say they are helpful so you just try them. Now you should understand some reasons why a child of any age even your age would start using drugs.

        How to avoid drugs
        First of all a good way to stay away from drugs is to just stay away from places they are gonna be and I’m tell you some good ways to avoid drugs. Here’s a easy solution just stay away. Stay away from people that have them. Stay away from people that do them. Stay away from places where they are and that they are sold. Stay away from users. If they offer you some walk away or change the subject. Or you could call them out and tell them the effects and how bad they are for you. Here were some good ways to stay away from drugs if you ever have to face them use these ideas. Just know if you turn them down you are doing nothing wrong you are doing the right thing by not using them.

        How to make good decisions

        First of all just stay out of trouble at all times. Stay away from trouble makers so you won’t be blamed for what ever the trouble maker did. Also stay away from bad people that you for sure know that they do bad thing like drugs for example. Stay away from drugs.Stay away from beer because beer can be addictive and can kill you if you drink too much. Stay away from cigarettes because cigarettes can also be addictive and you can get lung cancer from them and they can kill you so don’t smoke them. Don’t go to party’s where they are gonna be If you go to a party and you don’t know if there is alcohol there the when you get there go check and if there isn’t then have fun but if there is then either leave or o away from it. If you know there is gonna be bad things there then don’t go. If you don’t think there is gonna be drugs there then once again go check. If there is then just leave. Just take a moment and realize that drinking and driving, doing drugs could cost lives. So please please don’t do drugs. Don’t ever put your self in a position where drugs or alcohol or drugs will take your place.
        What I found interesting about D.a.r.e.
        What do you think would be most interesting ?
        One think that I liked about dare was officer Meyers because he was very nice. I also liked him because he was honest and was patient. I also like the facts and conclusions because they told us what drug will do to you.


  2. D.A.R.E Essay
    Page 1st
    Why would a kid start using drugs
    “So I heard so-and-so did drugs and he got caught” “yea I heard he was using drugs and he was really sad.” They could start to think it was cool. Then he thought why not. This is my expiation, if some of his friends were doing drugs and thought they were cool. Popular kids were doing drugs. Then if popular kids were doing drugs he said I want to be popular and he could of started to do drugs. Another expiation, to fit in (peer pressure). Peer pressure is when someone offers you a cigarette and they keep saying take it take it and that is peer pressure. “I heard that someone did drugs” “Yea I heard that he was using drugs because he was depress
    Page 2nd
    Defense rules
    “I heard someone used the defense rules of dare “ “really he did” “yea he just walk away from it”
    What things have kids learned that they will use to avoid using drugs
    Maybe this
    1st reason
    Walk away
    If someone offers you a cigarettes just walk away and don`t do them
    2nd reason
    Change the subject
    If someone offers you drugs just say let’s play t-ball, soft ball, and basket ball
    3rd reason
    And then
    Stay away from the people who use it
    Just stay away from the people that use it and just stay away from the neighborhoods
    “So this is what I think about drugs they are a disgusting terrible thing and it gets your lungs black and you could even die

    Page 3rd
    “Hey dude I heard that so-and-so made a good decision” “dude how” “he didn`t take the drugs”
    How to make a good decision
    1st reason
    Another may be
    Don`t hang around the people who use it

    Just stay away from the people who use it
    2nd reason
    Don`t take it
    Just say no I need to be home by 3:00 or 4:00 so you couldn`t take it
    3rd reason
    Just run away or walk away from the drugs
    Just don`t be near the drugs or run away of
    “Hey I heard that a good…” “What” “oh! I heard a good decision is to just stay away from the drugs” “oh ok!”

    Page 4th
    “so this is what I heard in dare in fifth grade” “what is it dude?” “oh I liked when the officer brought his stories and to heard how sad ish they are”
    1st reason
    The stories
    Mike was very interesting with his stories about when he was before dare
    2nd reason
    All of the facts
    It was so fun when he talked about the facts about drugs
    3rd reason
    All the facts and drug facts and all out he was cool
    He was just awesome he brought his belt with him and with all of his tools on it all of the facts


  3. Why a would start using drugs

    They may be curious or popular kids do it another reason is because some friends may offer you some drugs and when someone close to you offers you it, it can be hard to say no so the reasons may be curiosity or depression because some drugs ca calm you down. That’s why some kids might take drugs.
    How to make good decisions

    A lot of people make a bad decision and wish they could turn back and I know a few people who made a decision who wants to turn back and here are some ways you and prevent a bad decision. You could say no and walk away if someone offers you a cigarette the reason some people take the drug is because they snoop around in there parents stuff a way you can prevent this is by saying no and keep away from your parents stuff. If I could see why people start drugs in the first place I would do everything to stop drugs from happening (some drugs like medicine is good.)
    How to avoid drugs

    A way to avoid drugs may be to try to prevent making friends with people who take them. A way you can avoid drugs is walking away from them in stores party’s houses or garbage, pretty much everywhere outside because people just throw their cigarettes on the ground. A way to prevent cigarettes everywhere all you need to do is prevent cigarettes and ignore any you see.
    What I like about D.A.R.E

    I was very happy to take dare because it taught me a lot about drugs and cigarettes and it helped me convince someone to be better with smoking and I am glad I took this class dare taught me a lot and now dare is over I am glad officer Myer came over to our class he taught me. how to avoid drugs like for an example say no and walk away I wish no one takes drugs or smokes I want everyone to go through dare my future is changed about drugs not that I would even take them but for other people my mind was changed I don’t want anyone to take drugs me or my friends or family dare was my favorite.
    D.A.R.E I pledge to everyone I will never smoke in -Jaden Dickenson

    By Jaden Dickenson


  4. Why a would start using drugs

    They may be curious or popular kids do it another reason is because some friends may offer you some drugs and when someone close to you offers you it, it can be hard to say no so the reasons may be curiosity or depression because some drugs ca calm you down. That’s why some kids might take drugs.
    How to make good decisions

    A lot of people make a bad decision and wish they could turn back and I know a few people who made a decision who wants to turn back and here are some ways you and prevent a bad decision. You could say no and walk away if someone offers you a cigarette the reason some people take the drug is because they snoop around in there parents stuff a way you can prevent this is by saying no and keep away from your parents stuff. If I could see why people start drugs in the first place I would do everything to stop drugs from happening (some drugs like medicine is good.)
    How to avoid drugs

    A way to avoid drugs may be to try to prevent making friends with people who take them. A way you can avoid drugs is walking away from them in stores party’s houses or garbage, pretty much everywhere outside because people just throw their cigarettes on the ground. A way to prevent cigarettes everywhere all you need to do is prevent cigarettes and ignore any you see.
    What I like about D.A.R.E

    I was very happy to take dare because it taught me a lot about drugs and cigarettes and it helped me convince someone to be better with smoking and I am glad I took this class dare taught me a lot and now dare is over I am glad officer Myer came over to our class he taught me. how to avoid drugs like for an example say no and walk away I wish no one takes drugs or smokes I want everyone to go through dare my future is changed about drugs not that I would even take them but for other people my mind was changed I don’t want anyone to take drugs me or my friends or family dare was my favorite.
    D.A.R.E I pledge to everyone I will never smoke in -Jaden Dickenson

    By Jaden Dickenson


  5. My D.A.R.E essay
    Made by Alyssa
    Why would some one my age ever think about doing drugs?
    One way popular kid did and u think if u do a drug it will make you popular. Another way friend offered it to you and yours friend do a lot of drugs and ask you to do a drug with your friends. The last way is stress if you got bully and you stress you think it will calm you down. No one don’t need drugs.
    How to avoid drugs? One way change the subject . if a friend ask you to do a drug then say let a video game. Another way walk away. If your friend ask you to do a drug just walk away or say no. last way say no if some one ask you to do drag you always say no. its is good to avoid.
    What is the D.A.R.E decision stand for? Will the D


  6. DARE
    This is a good question why would a kid wait no anyone start using drugs? Is it because they try to fit in, is it because someone put them in pure pressure, or is it that someone offered it to them and they wanted to? this is only a little part of what I learned in only a ten week class imagine what else I learned it was a lot it was all in DARE.

    To push it off why would a kid ever start using drugs one reason I believe they might start using drugs is because they think it is cool. One way they think it is cool is because some people they know are cool are doing drugs , they try to become popular by doing drugs. another reason they think it is cool is because someone they love or know use them and they start from them.

    Here is how to make good decisions that will really help your life. First of all don’t do drugs one way to not do drugs is to not hang around people who do drugs and also only use drugs if it is for a medical use. Next don’t drink one way not to drink is by not hanging around people who drink drinking makes you not think clearly. another way you can not drink is by making pledges because you will look back to them and you will either walk away or say no or put it down. something else to make good dissections is by going in safe places like for an example go in the places you know where drugs and drinking are used and stay away you can still do what you want but you just got to go a different way


    1. We are going to be using what is called the MLA format for future essays, so to get used to the format use Times New Roman, size 12, and double spaced. Also, no worries about bugging me late! If I am awake, it is never too late!


  7. D.A.R.E.
    By: Rio Harden

    Why a kid would start using drugs?
    Here’s a question why do you think a kid your age would start using drugs?
    Maybe some friends offered it to you. They use drugs, and they like then so why not? Maybe they are under peer pressure and they see someone using them so maybe they go ask them for one. They could be curious about the effects and the taste. Maybe a close friend a trusted friend said “they taste good and you should try them”. Maybe someone heard of the effects and wanted to feel the same so they tried them. Maybe they looked like candy so they thought they should have a piece. Some people could be depressed and wanted to feel good again. Some people have anger problems and need pills to calm them down and after a while they get addicted and can’t stop taking them and then they have drug problems. Some friends might take them and they say they are helpful so you just try them. Now you should understand some reasons why a child of any age even your age would start using drugs.
    How to avoid drugs
    A good way to stay away from drugs is to just stay away from places they are going to be and here are some good ways to avoid drugs. Here’s a easy solution just stay away. Stay away from people that have them. Stay away from people that use them. Stay away from places where they are and that they are sold. Stay away from users. If they offer you some walk away or change the subject. You can have a nice conversation with them and tell them the effects and how bad they are for you and you could tell them how much you care for them to tell them the effects. Some good ways to stay away from drugs if you ever have to face them use these ideas. Just know if you turn them down you are doing nothing wrong you are doing the right thing by not using them.
    How to make good decisions
    A good decisions just stay out of trouble at all times. A good way to make good decisions is to know your surroundings. Stay away from trouble makers so you won’t be blamed for whatever the trouble maker did. Also stay away from bad people that you for know that they do bad thing like drugs for example. Stay away from drugs. Stay away from beer because beer can be addictive and can kill you if you drink too much. Stay away from cigarettes because cigarettes can also be addictive and you can get lung cancer from them and they can kill you so don’t smoke them. Don’t go to party’s where they are going to be. If you go to a party and you don’t know if there is alcohol there then when you get there go check and if there isn’t then have fun but if there is then either leave or stay away from it. If you know there is going to be bad things there then don’t go. If you don’t think there is going to be drugs there then once again go check. If there is then just leave. Just take a moment and realize that drinking and driving, doing drugs could cost lives. So please don’t do drugs. Don’t ever put yourself in a position where drugs or alcohol or drugs will take your place.
    What I found interesting about dare
    What do you think would be most interesting?
    One think that I liked about dare was officer Meyers because he was very nice. I also liked him because he was honest and was patient. I also like the facts and conclusions because they told us what drug will do to you. I also liked the videos because they were helpful by showing examples. They also helped me because they showed how to turn down things in a nice way.
    My pledge
    I Rio L. Harden pledge to my mom that I will never use any drug. I also pledge that I will not drink under age. I will not break these pledges. On this day November twenty-eighth two thousand sixteen this is the pledge that I made I and I’m going to keep this promise from this very day to forever.
    By: Rio Harden


  8. Why?that’s the first thing I ask my self . I think a kid would start taking drugs because of popular kids .you think to your self there so cool why not.you don’t relies the harmful effects it dose to your body like heart disease. Another reason is a friend . There your friend they won’t harm you on purpose. So why not just take the drug right. WRONG! You might do it just to fit in. Your scarf to be the odd one out. You Don’t to be that kid that has no friends.but doing drugs isn’t going to solve anything. No kid of any size should do drugs. Something you can do to not do them is strength and numbers.hang out with people you trust .your why better off with them then by yourself. Something else you can do is say no and walk away . Sometimes people don’t relies your serious and mean NO!now it may be tempting be doing drugs isn’t going to make you any cooler it will most likely harm you.you Can make good decisions but it’s up to you.one decision you may make it just font take the drug .it harmful. It will never not be harmful. Don’t hang out with people who do or have taken drugs. They might force you.also staying away from an alcohol in till 21 it’s illegal if you do drink alcohol before 21 your mast likely going to be in trouble . I like dare for alot of reasons. But my favorite was about bulling because it’s to harm not to help.or be funny.it hurts the person.you may not relies it you think your being play full but your not .you can hurt people over the Internet or physically even verbally. A word can hart more than a physical punch or kick .if I were to give you my advice use your powers for helping not hurting. I torriana m.neely will never drink under age or ever do drugs . I will keep this promise no matter what situation happens or obstacles I will face . I will remember this pledge now and forever.this pledge is for my Cousin Patrick, officer Meyer , my uncle Dan and most of all my self


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